EAN: 0752187639251

Bilder-Quelle: Notenbuch
Devil's dream|After the battle of Aughrim|Allie Crocker|Angeline the baker 1|Angeline the baker 2|Angus campbell|Another jig will do|Apple blossom|Archie Menzie's reel|Arkansas traveller 1|Arkansas traveller 2|Arkansas traveller 3|Arthur seat|The athole highlanders' farewell to Loch Katrine|The athole highlanders' farewell to Loch Katrine|Avalanche|Avalon quickstep|Back step Cindy|Back up and push|Baker's breakdown|The ballykeal jig|Banish misfortune|Banks Hornpipe|Barbara's Fancy|Barlow knife|La bastringue|The battering ram|The battle of Aughrim|Beaumont rag|Bee's wing hornpipe|Betty liken|Big Sandy river|The big scioty|Bill Cheatham 1|Bill Cheatham 2|Billy in the lowground 1|Billy in the lowground 2|Birdie A|Birdie B|The bird in the tree|Bitter Creek|Black and white Rag|Blackberry blossom 1|Black eyed Susie|Black mountain Rag|Black nag|Bluegrass in the backwoods|Boatin' up Sandy|Bobby Shaftoe|Bonaparte crossing the Rhine|Bonaparte crossing the Rocky Mountains|Bonaparte's retreat|Bonnie isle o'Whalsay|Bonnie Kate|Bonnie lass o'bon accord|The boys of Bluehill|The boys of the lough|The boys of Wexford|Breaking up christmas|Briarpicker brown|Brickyord Joe|The bride's a bonnie thing|Brilliancy Medley|Bull at the wagon|Bunch of keys 1|Bunch of keys 2|Cabri waltz|Cacklin hen|The cameron highlanders|Campbell's farewell to red gap|Camp chase|Carolan's Concerto|Carroll county blues|Cattle in the cane|Cherish the ladies|Cherokee shuffle|Chicken reel|Chief O'Neill's favorite|Childgrove|Chinese breakdown|Chorus jig|Christmas day in the morning|Cindy|Cluckin hen|Cluck old hen|Coleman's cross|Coleraine|College groves|Colored aristocracy|Come dance and sing|The congress reel|The connaughtman's rambles|Cooley's Reel|Cotton eye joe|Cotton Patch Rag|Country Waltz|Crazy creek|Cricket on the hearth|Cripple creek 1|Cripple creek 2|Cross eyed fiddler|Cross Reel|Cuckoo's nest|Cuffey|Cumberland gap|Dailey's reel|Dallas rag|Dance all night|The day dawn|Dennis Murphy's Polka|Dill pickle rag|Donald blue|Donald Cameron's Polka|Done gone|Don tremaines reel|Double file|Dowd's favorite|Down the broom 1|Draggin the bow|Drowsy Maggie|Drunken Billy goat|Drunken hiccups|Dubuque|Ducks on the millpond 1|Ducks on the pond|Durang's Hornpipe 1|Durang's Hornpipe 2|Durham's bull|Dusty Miller 1|Dusty Miller 2a|Dusty Miller 2b|East neuk o'fife|East Tennessee Blues|Ebenezer|Eighth of January|Elzic's farewell|Eugene Stratton|Fairy dance|Falls of Richmond|Farewell to Ireland|Farewell to whiskey|Festival waltz|Fiddle head reel|Fiddler's dream|Fiddling around|Fire in the mountain|Fisherman's favorite|Fisher's Hornpipe|Flop eared mule|Florida Blues|Flowers of Edinburgh|Flying cloud cotillion|Folding down the sheets|Forked deer|Forks of sandy|Fort smoth breakdown|Fortune Dowland John|Four cent cotton|Fourteen days in Georgia|Frieze breeches|Frosty morning|Da galley watch|Gallopede|Galway Hornpipe|Gaspe reel|Gavin Mc Mullen|George Booker|Georgia railroad|Georgiana moon|Gilian's reel|The girl I left behind me|The girl that broke my heart|Give me your hand|Five the fiddler a dream 1|Gladstone's reel|Going down the river|Going to jail|Going to town|Golden slippers|The gold ring|Goodbye Liza Jane|The gravel walk|Great bit taters in Sandy land|Greenfields of America|Green mountain petronella|Green willis|Grey eagle|The growling old man and woman|Halting march|Hamilton march|Hamilton county|Hanged man's reel|Harvest home|Hast to the wedding|Hawkins rag|Hawks and eagles|Hell among the yearlings|Hewlett|Hickman county|Hi flyer stomp|High dad in the morning|The highland man that kissed his grannie|Hobart's transformation|Hog eye|Hollow poplar|Hull's victory|The humours of ballyconnell|The humours of ballyloughlin|The hunter's purse|Jägerchor (aus Der Freischütz) Weber Carl Maria von|I don't love nobody|In the woodpile|The irish washerwoman|The iron man|Jack broke da prison door|Jack of diamonds|Jackson's reel 1|Jackson's reel 2|Jackson stomp|Jaybird|Jenny Lind Polka|Jenny Lynn|Jenny's welcome to Charlie|Jerusalem ridge|John Brown's dream|John Kelly's slide|Johnny's gone to France|Johnny the blacksmith 1|John Ryan's Polka|Joys of Quebec|Joyous waltz|Jug of punch|June apple|Katy Hill|Kaw river|Keep the ark a movin'|The kerryman's daughter|The Kerry reel|The kesh jig|The kid on the mountain|The killarney boys of pleasure|The kitchen girl|Kitty McGee|Lady Ann Montgomery|Lady in the boat|Lady on the island|The laird o'drumblair|Langstrom's pony|The lark in the morning|Larry O'Gaff|Lasses trust in providence|Last night's joy|The last of callahan|Leather britches|Lee Highway Blues|Da lerwicks lasses|Liberty|Liberty off the corn liquor still|Lime rock|Listen to the mocking bird|Little burned potato|Little Liza Jane|Little rabbit|Liza Jane 1|Loch earn reel|Loch lavan castle|Lonesome fiddle blues|Lord gordon's reel|Lord Mayo 1|Lost indian 1|Lost indian 2|Lost John|Lost train blues|Louie's first tune|Maggie Brown's favorite|Magpie|The maid behind the bar|Maiden's prayer|The maid on the green|Make a little boat|Malcolm Finley's Reel|Marching down Broadway|Martha Walker|Mason's apron|McMahon's reel|Merrily kissed the quaker's wife|The merry sister|Mathodist preacher|Midnight on the water|Millbank cottage|Miller's reel|Mineola rag|Mississippi Sawyer|Mississippi Hornpipe|Miss McLeod's Reel 1|Miss McLeod's Reel 2|Miss monaghan's reel|Miss thornton's reel|Miss Wedderburn's reel|Molly put the kettle on|Money musk A|Money musk B|Monroe's hornpipe|Morgan Magan O'Carolan Tourlough|The morning dew|Morpeth rant|The mouth of the tobique|Muddy roads|The mullingar races|The munster buttermilk|Murphy's hornpipe|The musical priest|My own house waltz|Nancy Rowland|New money|The nine points of roguery|Nonesuch|The oak tree|Of she goes|Off to California|Old Joe Clark|Old Molly hare|Old mother flanagan|One more river to cross|Opera reel|Opus 57|Orange blossom special|Over the waterfall|Ozark rag|Paddy on the railroad|Paddy on the turnpike 1a|Paddy on the turnpike 1b1|Paddy on the turnpike 1b2|Paddy won't you drink some cider|Padraig O'Keeffe's slide|Peacock rag|Peter Francisco|Petronella|Pig ankle rag|Pigeon on the gate|The pipe on the hob|Pit hame da borrowed claes|Planxty Drury|Planxty George Brabazon|Plyncty irwin|President Garfield's Hornpipe|Pretty little dog|Prince William|Queen of the fair|The Queen's Jig|Quince Dillon's high d|Ragtime Annie|The rakes of Kildare|Red apple rag|Red haired boy|Red lion hornpipe|Red wing|Richmond|Richmond Cotillion|Rickett's hornpipe|Rights of man|Road to Columbus|The road to Lisdoonvarna 1|The road to Lisdoonvarna 2|Rochester schottische 1|Rock the cradle Joe|Rocky mountain goat|Rocky road to Dublin|Rodney's glory|Rose division|Rose tree 1|Rose tree 2|Ross's reel|Roustabout|The route|Roxanna waltz|Roxborough castle|Run Johnny run A|Run Johnny run B|Russian Rag|Rye straw|Sail away ladies 1a|Sail away ladies 1b|Sail away ladies 2|The sailor's hornpipe|Saint Anne's Reel|Sally Ann A|Sally Ann B|Sally Ann C|Sally Ann Johnson|Sally gardens|Sally Goodin 1|Sally Goodin 2|Sally in the garden|Sally Johnson|Salt river 11|Salt river 12|Sandy river belle A1|Sandy river belle A2|Santa Anna's retreat|Say old man can you play the fiddle|Shelvin rock 1|Ship in the clouds|Ships are sailing|Shooting Creek|Shoot the turkey buzzard|The silver spire|Silver threads among the gold|Sleeping Lulu|Sleep sound in da morning|Sligo maid|Smash the windows|Smith's Reel|Smoring Mrs Gobeil|Snowbird on the ashbank|Snowflake reel|Snowshoes A|Soldier's joy|Sonny's mazurka|Southwind|Speed the plough|The star above the garter|The star of Munster|Star of the county down|Staten Island|Stone's rag|Stoney creek|Stoney point|Stony fork|Sugar in the gourd|The swallow tail jig|The swallow's tail reel|Sweet bunch of daisies|Swinging fiddles|Swinging on the gate|Take me back to Georgia|Tarbolton reel|Tater patch|Temperance Reel|Texas gales|There's a brown skin gal|Three in one two step|Timour the tartar|Tobin's jig|Tom und Jerry|Too young to Marry|Toss the feathers|Trip to sligo|Trude evans|Turkey in the straw|Twenty eighty of January|Twinkle twinkle little star|Twin sisters 1|Da underhill|Up jumped the devil|Wagoner|Wake up Susan 1|Walking in my sleep|Walkin' in the parlor|Washington county|Ways of the world|The weavers|Wedding march from Unst|Wednesday night waltz|Western country|West fork gals|Westphalia waltz|The wheels of the world|Whiskey before breakfast|Whistling rufus|The white cockade|White horse breakdown|Wild rose of the mountain|The wind that shakes the barley|The wise maid|Woodchopper's reel|Year of the jubilo|You married my daughter and yet you didn't
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15.03.2025 um 13:29 Uhr
15.03.2025 um 13:29 Uhr
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